the ‘rgb split tone hi lo’ and ‘rgb split tone hi mid lo’ dctls offer targeted control over the rgb channels in your footage, allowing for film-like tonality in highlights, shadows, and even mid-tones. with a built-in slope function, these tools enable fine-tuned adjustments to the curve’s steepness, making it easier to emulate classic film characteristics. the hi mid lo version adds an extra layer of control with a pivot slider for smooth transitions between tonal ranges. overall, these tools streamline the process of achieving a cinematic look in digital video.
“rgb split tone hi lo”和“rgb split tone hi mid lo”dctl 可对素材中的 rgb 通道进行有针对性的控制,从而在高光、阴影甚至中间色调中实现类似电影的色调。借助内置的斜率功能,这些工具可以对曲线的陡度进行微调,从而更容易模拟经典的胶片特性。 hi mid lo 版本通过枢轴滑块添加了额外的控制层,可实现音调范围之间的平滑过渡。总体而言,这些工具简化了在数字视频中实现电影外观的过程。

log wheels原木轮

the log wheels are designed to provide quick, intuitive control over a specific tonal range without requiring you to manually shape the curve. this makes them very efficient for certain kinds of adjustments. while you can adjust the ‘range’ over which the log wheels apply their adjustments, you can’t directly control the shape or slope of the curve they use.
log wheels 旨在提供对特定色调范围的快速、直观的控制,而无需您手动塑造曲线。这使得它们对于某些类型的调整非常有效。虽然您可以调整原木轮应用其调整的“范围”,但您无法直接控制它们使用的曲线的形状或斜率。


the dctl provides precise control over the red, green, and blue channels in both the highlight and shadow regions of your footage. the tool aims to emulate the film-like roll-off commonly seen in the highlights of traditional film stocks. it allows you to adjust each channel’s curve to achieve a rounded, filmic look for your highlights.
dctl 可对素材的高光和阴影区域中的红色、绿色和蓝色通道进行精确控制。该工具旨在模拟传统电影胶片的亮点中常见的类似电影的滚降。它允许您调整每个通道的曲线,以实现圆润的电影般的高光外观。


the left side shows the original footage where the woman’s face is illuminated by a strong red light, causing the red values to clip as indicated by the waveform monitor below the image.

log wheels原木轮 (中间图)

the middle section represents the image after applying corrections using log wheels. while the details in the face are brought back to some extent, the waveform monitor indicates that the red channel is still quite peaked and the tonal transitions on the face appear flatter.
中间部分表示使用 log wheels 应用校正后的图像。虽然面部细节在一定程度上得到了恢复,但波形监视器表明红色通道仍然相当峰值,面部的色调过渡显得更加平坦。

dctl (右图)

the right section demonstrates the result of using dctl. the waveform monitor now shows a more rounded curve in the red channel, suggesting a smoother roll-off in the highlights. visually, the woman’s face exhibits more natural-looking details and texture, with a more filmic quality to the highlights
右侧部分演示了使用 dctl 的结果。波形监视器现在在红色通道中显示更圆润的曲线,表明高光的滚降更平滑。在视觉上,女性脸部呈现出更自然的细节和纹理,亮点更具电影质感

the term “slope” refers to the steepness or incline of a curve used to map the input values to the output values for image tonality. a fundamental aspect of our tools like “rgb split tone hi lo” and “rgb split tone hi mid lo” is the slope function. this function allows users to precisely control the shape of the curve for each rgb channel, affecting how quickly or gradually the highlights roll off into mid-tones or the shadows lift into mid-tones.
术语“斜率”是指用于将输入值映射到图像色调的输出值的曲线的陡度或倾斜度。 “rgb split tone hi lo”和“rgb split tone hi mid lo”等工具的一个基本方面是斜率函数。此功能允许用户精确控制每个 rgb 通道的曲线形状,影响高光滚落到中间色调或阴影提升到中间色调的速度或逐渐程度。




本站绝大部分的fcpx插件已制作成一键安装包,易于安装!详情查看 fcpx插件怎么安装? final cut pro x 插件安装教程

①首先重新启动一次fcpx,再打开下载的资源dmg文档,参考【插件位置】截图来找所安装的插件。 ②重启后如果还未找到,请参考: 检查是否成功安装插件,如果3个位置均为找到,则说明插件并未写入硬盘,安装未成功,请重试。

此问题的主要原因是所安装的插件和fcpx当前的版本不兼容,按如下排查: 第一:检查自己的fcpx版本和mac的系统版本是否符合插件要求(资源文章里有说明),未达到要求,请按要求升级fcpx或者mac系统,有些资源因为发布时间比较早,未提及是否兼容目前最新的fcpx版本,如fcpx 10.6.2 ,此时可咨询客服看是否兼容; 第二:出现红色警告提示的原因是未正常的安装插件,如某些插件需激活,此时仔细查看文件包,按说明完成安装,并重启fcpx! 第三:检查插件安装完毕后,插件包是否被移动或删除,如何查看安装是否到位参考如下: 第三:往往新发布的fcpx软件和新的mac系统,会导致插件不兼容,这里提醒大家,如果工作机切记延迟至少2个版本再升级,等插件与新的fcpx软件和系统适配再进行升级!经过不断努力,我们已经更新了大部分的支持新版fcpx 10.5.2和m1芯片的插件,可直接到此分区下载使用:




先打开【系统偏好设置】 -> 【安全与隐私】 -> 【通用】 选项卡,检查是否已经启用了【任何来源】选项。如果没有启用,先点击左下角的小黄锁图标解锁,然后选中【任何来源】。

打开【应用程序】 -> 【其它】 -> 【终端】,输入引号中的命令 “sudo spctl --master-disable” 并回车,输入您的系统密码(输入过程不显示字符),回车即可。

fcpx插件有部分是采用“一键拖放”的安装方法进行安装的,我们的插件文件包内一般包含了“effects → 特效/效果”,“generators → 发生器”,“transitions → 转场”,“titles → 标题/字幕”的快捷方式,但如果您想手动找到安装到了哪里?此时就需要找到这个【影片】的文件夹。跟着下面的操作方法,即可找到:



